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PV Plants

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Preventive assessments or corrective interventions will ensure a maximum yield of PV plants.

Evaluation and expertise report provided by in situ analysis.

Centrais EletroElectroluminescence in situ – Capability to record multiple images with different resolution levels.




Centrais ImagemVideoTermicoThermal Image and Video – Infrared camera with 55 mK sensibility and ± 2% precision.




Centrais ArrayTesterArray Tester – Ability to perform energy production evaluation and obtain an array power response up to 1000 V and up to 100 A.







Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel.: +351 285 254 249

Parque Tecnológico de Moura, Apartado 87 7860-999

GPS: 38° 7'59.60"N, 07°27'10.90"W